Buffalo Staff Directory
Devrim Acehan, PhD
Cryo-EM Center Director
dacehan at hwi.buffalo.edu
Sarah Bowman, PhD
Associate Investigator & National Crystallization Center Director
sbowman at hwi.buffalo.edu
Gabby Budziszewski, PhD
Operations Manager-National Crystallization Center
gbudziszewski at hwi.buffalo.edu
Kelly Campbell
Director of Development
kcampbell at hwi.buffalo.edu
Chris Campomizzi, PhD
Postdoctoral Research Association
ccampomizzi at hwi.buffalo.edu
Daniel Gewirth, PhD
gewirth at hwi.buffalo.edu
Anne Kent
Chief Financial Officer
kent at hwi.buffalo.edu
Paul Koszelak
Facilities Assistant
pkoszelak at hwi.buffalo.edu
Michael Logar
Director of Sponsored Projects/Managing Director of BioXFEL
mlogar at hwi.buffalo.edu
Miranda Lynch, PhD
Assistant Investigator
mlynch at hwi.buffalo.edu
Steve McGregor
Facilities Engineer
smcgregor at hwi.buffalo.edu
Michael Martynowycz, PhD
Assistant Investigator
mikewm at hwi.buffalo.edu
Nate Michaels
IT System Administrator
nmichals at hwi.buffalo.edu
Aviv Paz, PhD
Assistant Investigator
apaz at hwi.buffalo.edu
Nanette Que, PhD
Staff Scientist
nque at hwi.buffalo.edu
Michael Rhodes
mrhodes at hwi.buffalo.edu
Edward H.Snell, PhD
Chief Scientific Officer
esnell at hwi.buffalo.edu
Elizabeth Snell
Research Associate
msnell at hwi.buffalo.edu
Katherine Spoth, PhD
Cryo-Electron Microscopist
kspoth at hwi.buffalo.edu
Nicole Terranova
Education and Diversity Director
nterranova at hwi.buffalo.edu
Tiffany Wright
Research Associate
twright at hwi.buffalo.edu