Don and Vicky Hess Endowed Chair
The Donald and Victoria Hess Endowed Memorial Fund was established to benefit the Hauptman-Woodward Institute and to honor the longtime contributions of Don and Vicky Hess.
The William L. Duax Endowed Chair in Crystallography
The purpose of the fund is to support the scientific work and teaching of Dr. William L. Duax, and of future generations of Hauptman-Woodward scientists.
Herbert Hauptman Nobel Laureate Endowed Chair
Hauptman-Woodward seeks your help in continuing Dr. Hauptman’s rare and powerful approach to biomedical sciences through the establishment of the Herbert A. Hauptman Endowed Chair Fund.
For more information on how you can partner with HWI, please contact Lisa LaTrovato at 716.898.8624 or email: llatrotavo@hwi.buffalo.edu.